English Course


9.0.2 Demo. Vocabular.

Thank you for inviting me to speak to you today.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk you today.

I’m going to talk about…

All right, let me start by saying thanks to all of you for the interest in this presentation.
First I would like to talk about…

be designed - быть задуманным
fresh ideas
feel free to ask
So feel free to hit me up with questions

Now we will look at… - Теперь взглянем на …
Let’s now turn to… - Теперь давайте перейдем к …
I’d like to describe in detail … - Я бы хотел подробно описать …

Thus we see … - Таким образом, мы видим …
… it depends to a great extent (в большей степени) on …
… it depends to a some extent (в некоторой степени) on …
On the other hand С другой стороны, …
… it did not work as intended (как задумывалось / как запланировано) and we fixed it

And the last point, … - И последний вопрос / замечание, …
So, in conclusion… - Итак, в заключение…

Any questions so far?
Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.
Please hold your questions until the end of the presentation.

I think I answered your question earlier. - Я думаю, я ответил уже на Ваш вопрос ранее.
I’m glad you asked that. - Рад, что Вы спросили об этом.
So you are asking about… - Итак, Вы спрашиваете о …
If I’ve understood you correctly you are asking about… - Если я правильно понял Вас, Вы спрашиваете о …

I will think it over - я подумаю
I’ll think about it
I’ll see what can be done - я подумаю что можно сделать

9.0.1 The Simpsons. Vocabular.

The Fox network has sunk to a new low- погрузиться на новый уровень.
It’s from my pen pal- друг по переписке, Anya.

Our president has been overthrown- свегнут
Replaced by the benevolent- великодушный General Krull.
All hail the king- все приветствуют короля

He’ll find the culprit- виновник

easy come, easy go- легко пришло, легко ушло
fat chance- отличный шанс
fluke- счастливый случай
cob- початок

He’s learning on his own- самостоятельно
… regardless of gross incompetence, obesety or rank odor- запах
Don’t jerk me around- дёргать, раздражать, fella- парень
Ah, don’t act like you don’t like it.- Не делай вид, что тебе это не нравится.

go getter - “предпричимчивый делец”
blue collar slobs- белые воротнички
blue collar jobs- работа для белых воротничков
jittery- пугливый
dork- придурок

8.3.9 Expressions. Discussing previous conversation

Questions that followed by a noun phrase can be used to gather information:

Statemants also can be used to gather information about previous conversation:

Tell me what _ *said about noun phrase

In written English “sounds as if + S + V” is preserable to “sounds like + S + V

Spoken form It sounds like the term sheet addresses our concerns
Written form It sounds as if the term sheet addresses our concerns How are you?


I want somebody to do something

8.3.6 The Good News. Reported Questions

Reported speech uses V3:

Alan asked me what time the miting was.
Sarah asked whether I wanter to go to lunch.

Questions that require only yes/no response:


Note Present tense verbs change to the past tense in reported speech

Questions that ask for more information the yes/no:

ASKED + QW + S + V

Note Present tense verbs change to the past tense in reported speech

8.3.2 The Good News. Vocabular

8.3.1 The Good News. Listening Practice

Words and phrases

8.2.9 The Negotiations. Points of Discussion


Introducing visual information

Introducing an idea or topic

Introducing smth. to be reviewed

Introducing smth. to be analysed

Reminding the listener of an idea

8.2.6 The Negotiations. Question-word clauses

A question-word clause usually has one of the following forms:



When question words are used to form question-word clauses, “do”, “does” and “did” auxiliary verbs do not follow the question words

8.2.3 The Negotiations. Vocabular 2


continuity of service
continuity on our team
for the sake of
for smth’s/smbd’s sake

For the sake of continuity of our service, we should discuss all technical specifics as soon as possible, because launch will be soon and we are pressed for time.

8.2.2 The Negotiations. Vocabular 1

There only one STUMBLING BLOCK
You can be REST ASSURED that
They have impressive TRACK RECORD

We cannot put any guarantees in writing, but you can be rest assured that there are not any stumbling blocks. Remebmer we have an impressive track record.

8.1.9 Rumors. Expressions

“What if” and “imagine if” are used to introduce a possible or hypothetical situation.
“What about” can be used to suggest a possible solution or idea. It’s followed by a gerund (V + “ing”).

Imagine if I buy new car
What if I buy new car?
What about buying new car?

8.1.4 Rumors. Vocabular 2

8.1.1 Rumors. Vocabular 1

Don’t beat around the bush!