Thank you for inviting me to speak to you today.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk you today.
I’m going to talk about…
All right, let me start by saying thanks to all of you for the interest in this presentation.
First I would like to talk about…
be designed - быть задуманным
fresh ideas
feel free to ask
So feel free to hit me up with questions
Now we will look at… - Теперь взглянем на … Let’s now turn to… - Теперь давайте перейдем к … I’d like to describe in detail … - Я бы хотел подробно описать …
Thus we see … - Таким образом, мы видим …
… it depends to a great extent (в большей степени) on …
… it depends to a some extent (в некоторой степени) on … On the other hand С другой стороны, …
… it did not work as intended (как задумывалось / как запланировано) and we fixed it
And the last point, … - И последний вопрос / замечание, … So, in conclusion… - Итак, в заключение…
Any questions so far?
Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.
Please hold your questions until the end of the presentation.
I think I answered your question earlier. - Я думаю, я ответил уже на Ваш вопрос ранее. I’m glad you asked that. - Рад, что Вы спросили об этом. So you are asking about… - Итак, Вы спрашиваете о … If I’ve understood you correctly you are asking about… - Если я правильно понял Вас, Вы спрашиваете о …
I will think it over - я подумаю
I’ll think about it I’ll see what can be done - я подумаю что можно сделать
9.0.1 The Simpsons. Vocabular.
The Fox network has sunk to a new low- погрузиться на новый уровень.
It’s from my pen pal- друг по переписке, Anya.
Our president has been overthrown- свегнут
Replaced by the benevolent- великодушный General Krull. All hail the king- все приветствуют короля
He’ll find the culprit- виновник
easy come, easy go- легко пришло, легко ушло fat chance- отличный шанс fluke- счастливый случай cob- початок
He’s learning on his own- самостоятельно
… regardless of gross incompetence, obesety or rank odor- запах
Don’t jerk me around- дёргать, раздражать, fella- парень Ah, don’t act like you don’t like it.- Не делай вид, что тебе это не нравится.
go getter - “предпричимчивый делец” blue collar slobs- белые воротнички blue collar jobs- работа для белых воротничков jittery- пугливый dork- придурок
Questions that followed by a noun phrase can be used to gather information:
Did he say anything about the progess?
What did they have to say about the build process?
Statemants also can be used to gather information about previous conversation:
Tell me what _ *said aboutnoun phrase
Tell us what customer said about our new registration form
Tell me what they said about the tem sheet.
In written English “sounds as if + S + V” is preserable to “sounds like + S + V”
Spoken formIt sounds like the term sheet addresses our concerns Written formIt sounds as if the term sheet addresses our concerns How are you?
Hello! How are you?
I’m fine / I’m good / I’m OK
I’m hanging in there
How’re you doing?
I am (doing) well / I’m doing just fine
I’m aaaal-right (New Orleans ver.)
Hello! How are you feeling?
So far so good
I’m hanging in there
Hi! What’s up? / What’s happening? / What’s going on? / What’re you up to?
Not much / I’m OK
Hey! How’ve you been?
Hello! Are you staying out of trouble?
I’m trying
So far so good
I haven’t had any complaints
I want somebody to do something
I want you to wake up and have a breakfast.
I want John to lead this team
Today I want you to show how you can use the Amazon Machine Learning service to train a model that can categorize data.
8.3.6 The Good News. Reported Questions
Reported speech uses V3:
Alan asked me what time the miting was.
Sarah asked whether I wanter to go to lunch.
Questions that require only yes/no response:
Are you going to the Unity conference in Amsterdam?
Mike asked me whether I was going to the Unity conference.
Mike asked me if I was going to the Unity conference.
Did John buy that asset?
Mike asked me if John had bought that asset?
NotePresent tense verbs change to the past tense in reported speech
Questions that ask for more information the yes/no:
ASKED + QW + S + V
Why is John in San-Francisco?
Rupert askedwhy John was in San-Francisco.
How long will you develope the webui?
Rupert askedhow long we would develope the webui.
NotePresent tense verbs change to the past tense in reported speech
8.3.2 The Good News. Vocabular
term sheet
A “term sheet” (noun phrase) is a summary of the key elements of a transaction or agreement. Unlike a contract, this document does not legally require anyone to do anything.
Before you agree to sign the contract, you should compare it to the term sheet to make sure there are no changes
“Valuation” (noun) is an estimate of how much something, such as a company or building, is worth. “Valuation” can be a countable or an uncountable noun.
No one expected the valuation of the company to be so low
outstanding share
An “outstanding share” (noun phrase) is a unit of a corporation’s stock that has been issued and is owned by the public or by private investors.
The company decided to buy back some of its outstanding shares of stock
stock option
A “stock option” (noun phrase) is a right to buy the common stock of a corporation, at a specified price, by a specific date. Companies frequently give stock options to their employees as part of their benefits package.
All employees must decide what to do with their stock options before midnight on December 31
favorably [‘feɪvərəblɪ]
“Favorably” (adverb) means in a way that is good or agreeable to someone or something.
The investor responded favorably to our application
have some say(about/in …) (to have eligibility to vote)
“Have some say” (verb phrase) means to have some authority or decision-making power. “Have some say” is followed by “about” or “in” plus an object.
The dev department will have some say about when update is deployed
If you are in a position of authority, you will certanly have some say when important decisions are made
be clear about
“Be clear about” (verb phrase) means to understand something very well. “Be clear about” is followed by a noun phrase.
I‘m clear about what you want to do.
She’s clear about it too.
We didn’t have all the details, but we were clear about the basics
8.3.1 The Good News. Listening Practice
Words and phrases
on case-by-case basis(individually)
He said that they’d make decisions about the current staff on a case-by-case basis
convince [kənˈvɪns]
Maybe I can convince him to do smth.
Did you talk about the specifics of the valuation?
eligible [ˈelɪʤəbl]
The employees would be eligible to receive stock
draw up
Can I help you draw up the term sheet for the new account?
But what impressed me was that he said that …
8.2.9 The Negotiations. Points of Discussion
take a look
go over
figure out
not forget
not overlook
Introducing visual information
Let’s take a look at the figures
Introducing an idea or topic
Let’s consider the issues
Let’s consider what we’s saying
Let’s consider John for a promotion
Introducing smth. to be reviewed
Let’s go over the specifics of contract
Let’s go over the agenda
Let’s go over what we decided at the last meeting
Introducing smth. to be analysed
Let’s analyze the statistics report
Let’s analyze how visitors are coming to website
Let’s evaluate our progress so far
Let’s evaluate the success of our context advertising
Let’s figure out total cost of ownership
Let’s figure that out soon
Reminding the listener of an idea
Let’s not forget the reason we’re here
Let’s not forget that he’s the best solutions architect
Let’s not overlook the possibility of buying competitor’s business
8.2.6 The Negotiations. Question-word clauses
A question-word clause usually has one of the following forms:
Who IS the manager? -> QUESTION
I don’t know who the manager IS -> QUESTION-WORD CLAUSE
His story was ineresting.
What he said was ineresting.
I don’t know the teacher.
I don’t know who she is.
I don’t know who the teacher is.
Devon: What are Mark’s salary requirements?
Devon wants to know what Mark’s salary requirements are.
When question words are used to form question-word clauses, “do”, “does” and “did” auxiliary verbs do not follow the question words
Why did they buy it?
Nobody knows why they BOUGHT it.
8.2.3 The Negotiations. Vocabular 2
be pressed for smth’s
for the sake of
continuity of service
continuity on our team
for the sake of
for smth’s/smbd’s sake
For the sake of continuity of our service, we should discuss all technical specifics as soon as possible, because launch will be soon and we are pressed for time.
8.2.2 The Negotiations. Vocabular 1
rest assured
stumbling block
track record
put … in writing
There only one STUMBLING BLOCK
You can be REST ASSURED that
They have impressive TRACK RECORD
We cannot put any guarantees in writing, but you can be rest assured that there are not any stumbling blocks. Remebmer we have an impressive track record.
8.1.9 Rumors. Expressions
What if …?
What abuot …?
Imagine if ….
“What if” and “imagine if” are used to introduce a possible or hypothetical situation.
“What about” can be used to suggest a possible solution or idea. It’s followed by a gerund (V + “ing”).
Imagine if I buy new car What if I buy new car? What about buying new car?